Jumat, 09 September 2016

Sponge Cake with Buttercream

Bikin ini cake karena ikutan challenge di Instagram . Awalnya ragu sama resep buttercreamnya . Kok pake putih telur , pikirku apa gak bau amis ya . Eh diluar Perkiraan , buttercreamnya lembut dan wangi. rasanya pun enak gak ada rasa yang nempel di langit-langit mulut

Terus spongecakenya juga kayaknya anti gagal . Bikin ini cake suamiku kalap makannya . setelah habis , minta bikinkan lagi dia , anak-anak juga . Jadi total bikin ini cake 3x . Sampe aku bosen ngeliat ini cake ..xixi

nah untuk resepnya , kami yang ikut sudah disediakan oleh penyelenggara Challengenya , jadi kita tinggal nyontek aja , aku cantumkan resep aslinya ya , tapi masih pake bahasa inggris , silahkan diartikan sendiri hihi 

source : EZ Cooking Baking
200 g eggs
120 g granulated sugar
15 g cake emulsifier
80 g soft flour / cake flour
15 g corn starch
40 g margarine (melt)
1 tsp vanilla paste
125 g granulated sugar
30 g water
2 pc egg whites
190 g butter (soften)
60 g shortening
1 tsp vanilla paste
100 g sprinkle
4 pc strawberry fresh
1. Preheat oven at 180°C. Combine egg, sugar, vanilla paste and cakes emulsifier in one mixing bowl. Mix all together until thick.
2. Combine all dry ingredients at low speed, fold in the dry ingredients into the egg mixtures and stir it well.
3. Melt in margarine in medium heat, then fold in into the mixture. Stir gently the melted margarine with the batter and greased the bottom part of the baking pan with butter. Covered the bottom part of the pan with baking paper provided.
4. Pour the cake mixture into the baking pan size. Bake it at 180 °C for about 35-40 minutes.
1. At the medium speed, put the egg white into the standing mixer and beat them until foamy.
2. At the high speed, slowly pour the hot sugar into the beaten egg white inside the mixing bowl.
3. Continue mixing until the egg white is soft peak and until the mixing bowl cool. Combine butter and shortening and mix them until smooth. Butter cream ready to use.

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